Why Is Hugging Your Child Regularly So Important?

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Why Is Hugging Your Child Regularly So Important?
Creates happy children

The psychological impact of a hug is enormous. Not only does it boost a child’s sense of self-confidence, but it also helps them stay optimistic. Children feel true love. You can also fully feel your love to your children by hugging.

Helps stop tantrums

Many parents perceive hugging their child who is having a tantrum as a reward for bad behavior and does not hug them. Hugging your child doesn’t mean giving up. Instead, it helps it self-correct. The love hormone helps calm your child.

In addition, a hug helps to deal with conflicts between spouses more easily and in a timely manner.

Creates smarter kids

Children need a variety of sensory stimuli for their development. That’s why physical contact about love by families is important. Hug your children often and express your love to them.

Helps them grow

As interesting as it may sound, cuddling your child regularly helps them grow. Explaining this is quite simple. The hormone oxytocin, which is released while hugging, has many beneficial effects for our body. Growth is just one of them. It also helps children cope with the stress they will encounter.

Creates a strong bond between parent and child

Hugging improves children’s sense of security and strengthens the bond between parent and child. This not only makes the kids happy, it’s a comforting and happy activity for parents as well.

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