Life Saving Effects of First Responders

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Life Saving Effects of First Responders

İn this article, we will continue to convey our information on first responders in unfortunate situations that we started last article. As a matter of fact, as we started to convey last week, it is not possible to predict in advance where and under what conditions such unfortunate situations will occur. Having this kind of information can make a big difference in emergency situations where you can’t reach your doctor or the internet right away. We wish you never to encounter these setbacks.

In the previous article, we shared with you especially about falls, cuts, bleeding, sprains, fractures, etc. We shared first aid tips in situations. As we mentioned last week, if possible, it would be very good for you and your parents to take a first aid lesson and learn how to do artificial respiration and heart massage in particular. Sometimes it can even save lives.

Now let’s come to the first interventions we can do for burns, poisoning and insect bites…

Burns are classified into 3 groups according to their depth. First degree burns are superficial. Redness and warmth in the skin occur. The majority of sunburns are first-degree burns and do not require a doctor’s visit. Second-degree burns are slightly deeper. Water collects between the skin layers and water-filled vesicles form. Being scalded with boiling water or severe sunburn are examples of second-degree burns. They are very painful and can cause serious fluid losses if they involve large surfaces. If it has not spread to very large areas; If they are not in sensitive areas such as the face and hands, they can be followed at home. It should not be forgotten that second-degree burns can cause aesthetic problems and loss of function. In third-degree burns, heat damages all layers of the skin. Contrary to expectations, third-degree burns are painless as nerve endings are also damaged. Often burned tissues become charred. These types of burns leave permanent scars and create secondary problems such as fluid loss and infection.

In case of burns, if your baby’s clothes are on fire, put out the flames by covering them with a towel or blanket. Quickly remove clothing if it has been burned or has hot water spilled on it. The first thing to do at home is to apply cold water to the burned area. This lowers tissue temperature, reducing tissue damage caused by burns and relieving pain. It is recommended to keep it in cold water for at least 10-15 minutes and until the pain subsides. In this case, compresses with wet cold towels can also be applied. Cold application should not be applied for so long that the burned area becomes desensitized and numb, because this time, frostbite occurs. If the pain and pain start again after the cold application is interrupted, the cold application is repeated. Pain relievers containing paracetamol can be used to relieve pain. Bubbles that have collected water should not be burst. It would be correct to put wet gauze on the burned area and consult a doctor. Since electrical burns can cause irregular heartbeat and widespread tissue damage in the following hours, it is necessary to apply directly to the hospital.

The vast majority of poisonings are preventable. Children always accidentally swallow poisonous substances. For this reason, it is the most important condition to prevent children from accessing potentially harmful substances such as medical drugs, insecticides, caustic cleaning agents, fuels, furniture polish, antifreeze, and sink openers. In poisoning, it is necessary to act very quickly for the treatment to be effective. Try to figure out what the quickly swallowed substance is. If you are unable to do this or your child is unconscious, take him to the emergency room immediately. If you have detected the substance taken, call the poison control center, your doctor or the hospital emergency room and get information about what to do. All poisoning cases require professional medical attention. That is why a person should immediately call for help. Never make your child vomit if you have no idea what the ingested substance is. Acid substances such as batteries, sulfuric acid, bleach, hair straighteners; alkaline substances such as faucet, pipe and oven cleaners and detergents; In case of poisoning with petroleum products such as kerosene, gasoline, furniture polish, the patient should never be vomited.

In substances that do not prevent vomiting, the child can be vomited by inserting a finger into his throat. In the presence of skin contact, the substance should be removed from the skin quickly and the area should be washed with water. In the presence of toxic substances taken by inhalation, it is appropriate to try to keep the airway open, to provide fresh air and to ventilate the environment until medical help arrives.

İnsect Bite
Most insect bites are minor and usual cases. The first thing to do is to remove the sting of the insect and apply cold to the area. But bee, etc. Some insect stings may produce local or systemic reactions. Systemic reactions, although rare, can have very serious consequences and require immediate treatment. If your child has a known allergy, you should always carry medication for adrenaline autoinjection and wear a bracelet or necklace that notifies you of the allergy. The biting insect is quickly removed from the body. Cold should be applied immediately over the bite. Thus, the absorption of the insect toxin, if any, is slowed down. Painkillers containing paracetamol, antihistamine drugs can be applied. If tissue reaction is evident, intense itching and swelling, respiratory distress symptoms, abdominal pain, fainting are added, you should apply to the nearest emergency room. Never try to remove the tick yourself in suspected tick bites. If the body integrity of the tick is disturbed during the procedure, a possible carrier tick can be infected with the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever agent. Hospitals should go to the emergency department and tick removal should be done by specialists.

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