Age 5 Development – Written Communication
Written communication refers to the physical performance of handwriting, typing, spelling, grammar and story writing.
Developmental Stage
- Specializes in creating shapes (like -, |, O, +, /, square, \, X, and triangle) before moving on to writing.
- He can write his name.
- Knows the names of some letters and recognizes as many as 10 (mostly the letters in the name).
- Recognizes and writes numbers from 1 to 5.
- Learns the alphabet song.
- Recognizes and names letters.
- He learns that letters correspond to “sounds”.
- Knows that the printed text is the text that is read.
- Learns that letters are separated by spaces and forms words.
- Recognizes his name in writing.
- Can recognize the writings on the surrounding signs and signs (knows the letters on the “stop” sign).
- He knows how to read from front to back.
- Learns that the text is read from left to right.
Possible Situations Encountered When It Doesn’t Progress
- The child has difficulty in recognizing the differences between letters and sounds and using this ability in reading and writing activities.
- The child may have difficulty reading and identifying the text in the book