4 Years Development – ​​Language Skills

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4 Years Development – ​​Language Skills

Language has two main points:

  • Receptive language (understanding): The language is intelligible.
  • Expressive language (using language): Using language, speech, sign, or alternative forms of communication to convey wants, needs, thoughts, and ideas.


  • Follows three step instructions (e.g. show cat, dog and monkey)
  • Understands longer and more complex sentences.


By the age of 4, he knows 1500 words.

Sentence Information

  • Uses at least 3-4 words in a sentence.
  • He tells what he did.
  • Explains what an object does.

Grammar Knowledge

  • He starts talking about past events.
  • Uses personal pronouns.
  • Uses simple conjunctions (like and) uses singular personal pronouns.
  • Makes negative sentences.
  • Makes complex sentences in the past tense.

Concept Knowledge

  • Position: at the bottom, behind, in the first row, near.
  • Size: short (height), growing, short (height).
  • Quantity: 3 pcs, each, none.
  • Other: hard, slow, light (weight), various colors


  • Understands people’s questions.
  • Asks questions such as Why, Why, When and How.

Possible Situations Encountered When Not Progressed

  • May have difficulty socializing with peers.
  • Due to lack of understanding and attention, he may try to learn by imitating others.
  • May have difficulty following directions at home, daycare, kindergarten or preschool.
  • It may be difficult to be understood by peers.
  • It may be difficult to be understood by people he does not know.
  • May have difficulty expressing their wants, needs, thoughts and desires.
  • May have difficulty answering questions properly.
  • He may have problems with speaking fluency because he cannot find the right word.

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